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Week 1

1. Notes - the written symbols of music = sound


2. Rests - symbols that indicate silence


3. Rhythm - the pattern of long and short note values in music


4. Dynamics - the degree of loudness and softness and their symbols


5. Leger Lines - short horizontal lines used to extend a staff either higher or lower


Week 2

1. Serenade - A love song or piece, usually preformed below someone's window in the evening


2. Secular music - Any music that is not sacred music


3. Sacred music - music for worship, religious concerts or devotional use


4. Conservatory - A music school


5. Analysis - The study of the form and structure of music


Week 3

1. Riff - A repeated melodic pattern 


2. Key Signature - The sharps or flats written on the staff at the beginning of a piece to indicate the key


3. Fuoco - Fire, passion


4. Ebollimento -  Sudden passion (in music - don't get excited)


5. Ode - A lyrical poem set to music in honor of a person or occasion 


Week 4

1. Monothematic- A composition based on on theme


2. Theme- The main musical idea, usually a melody, of a composition 


3. Melody- A succession of single notes


4. Expression Marks- words or symbols that indicate how a piece should be interpreted 


5. Interpretation- those aspects of a performance that comes from a performer rather than the composer


Week 5

1. Range- The notes from the lowest to the highest that a voice or instrument may be capable of producing


2. Treble- The highest voice, the instrument or part


3. Da capo aria- A vocal form popular in barque opera with the form ABA


4. Form- the shape and order of music


5. Aria- An air or song for solo voice within an opera or an oratorio 


Week 6

1. Voce- Voice


2. Voice Leading- The logical movement of individual voice parts in a polyphony


3. Polyphony- When 2 or more melodic lines are combined


4. Monophony- A single melodic line without any additional parts or accompaniment


5. Modulation- To change key with a composition 


Week 7

1.Maestoso- Majestic


2.Hemiola- The rhythmic  relationship of three notes in the time of two, or two notes in the time of three


3.Picardy Third- When a piece in a minor key ends in a major chord


4.Sostenuto- Sustained


5.Volume- The softness and loudness of sound


Week 8

1.Opera- A dramatic work set to music in which all or most of the text is sung with instrumental accompaniment, costumes and sets


2.Incidental Music- Short pieces that accompany a play


3.Jam- A loose gathering of musicians to play, improvise, or rehearse


4.Interpretation- An expression of one's own character and style in work


5.Disjunct- moving in skips- intervals larger than a second


Week 9

1.Scat- A type of improvisational is jazz singing that uses nonsense syllables rather than words


2.Improvisation- Music created spontaneously


3.Jazz- An American music style of the 20th century characterized by syncopated rhythm and improvisation


4.Syncopation- To shift the accent of a note or chord to a weak part of a beat


5.Accent- To emphasize a note (Indicated by symbols)


Week 10

1.Medesimo- The same


2.Full Score- An instrumental score in which all the parts for the instruments appear on their own staves in standard instrumental family order


3.Pacato- Calm and quiet


4.Ethnomusicology- The study of various types of music in relation to their racial and cultural context


5.Melisma- Several notes sung to one syllable 


Week 11

1.Isometric- In polyphonic music, when the same rhythm pattern is applied throughout the parts


2.Homophony- Music in which one voice has the melody with a chordal accompaniment


3.Accompaniment- A vocal or instrumental part that supports or is background for a solo part


4.Ukulele- In the guitar family, a small fretted four string Hawaiian instrument tuned G, C, E, A


5.Cadence- The melodic or harmonic ending of a piece or the sections or phrases therein


Week 12

1. Digeridoo- Native Australian primitive horn made of wood or bamboo, with a straight cylindrical shape


2.Accidentals- Sharps, flats or natural signs used to raise, lower or return a note to its normal pitch


3.Balance- The harmonious adjustment of volume and timbre between instruments or voices


4.Cacophony- discordant sound, dissonance


5.Canon- The strictest form of counterpoint where one melody begins, followed at a specific interval of time by the same melody note for note

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